Kayıtlı kullanıcı
Katılım tarihi: Jan 1970
bilgisayara format attım atıktan sonra hiç bir oyun açılmamaya başladı bu hatayı veriyor.
A hardware TnL device was unable to be created.This could be due to either not having DirectX 8.1 installed or not having a hardware TnL capable video card.Both of these are required to play....(oyun ismi)and although you can comtinue to play the game by pressing OK,please note that it is not offically supported and may result in crashes,lockups,and poor performance.
Sorun nedir yazazrzanız? sevinirim lütfen[img]null[/img][img]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/ECR%C4%B0N/Desktop/ads%C4%B1z.bmp[/img]